Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Villanelle based on a line read somewhere

Still playing with the Villanelle - a tricky form that makes you work hard....

Villanelle based on a line read somewhere

By nature I am loathe to speak
Yet here I stand before a crowd:
Some common steroids produce a freak.

My words I know seem largely weak;
But yet, I need to say out loud
(Though always still I’m loathe to speak)

That using drugs for body tweaks
(However downstream well-endowed)
Means steroids, later, produce a freak.

You athletes know I don’t speak Greek,
Your heads before my words are bowed,
(By nature meek, I’m loathe to speak.)

Your future’s shot, your outlook’s bleak,
Though prior to your fall you’re proud:
Some common steroids will produce a freak.

The wages of your drugs you’ll wreak,
Old age will see your body cowed.
By nature I am loathe to speak:
Some common steroids produce a freak.