Saturday, February 12, 2022

Who is Celia, as opposed to Who is Sylvia (well, who is Sylvia anyway?)

Who is Celia, what is she,
That all the blokes commend her?
Holy, fair, and wise is she;
Though it pays not to offend her! –
Yet she still will much admired be,
Even when someone she loves drives her up the wall, which some might think – though they’d be wrong - happens frequently.

Is she kind as she is fair?
Of course she’s full of kindness!
All the house she does repair
And overlooks the blindness
Of others who inhabit there,
And when it comes to tools that are too tricky to work out she politely ignores their lack of flair.

Then to Celia let us sing,
Our Celia all excelling:
Yup, she excels each living thing
Upon the dull earth dwelling.
But don’t to her your garlands bring
Because she doesn’t like you to buy flowers, preferring ones that come out of the garden, free, and all sweet-smelling.



When we make love

 When we make love
oxygen flies from the room ˗
we’re left gasping for breath. 

When we make love
sheets and blankets twist and writhe -
agonies of torment. 

When we make love
a strange menagerie surrounds the walls
making un-animal trumpets and moans. 

When we make love
our eyes see nothing
not even the ridiculous. 

When we make love
the night is as bright as the day
darkness and light are alike to us. 

When we make love
bodies, limbs, digits entangle -
we become one flesh.




Celia is the sky

Celia is the sky; I am the earth.
Celia is the sky and she is worth
all the wide sky’s breadth in glittering gold,
and I, if I may be so bold,
am just a little glitter, gutter-
picked by her bright heavenly eye:
since I, as I have precedently told,
I am the earth; and Celia is the sky.

Written for my wife's birthday, 2nd April 2012