'To be a Zwischenmensch
is to feel at home everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.' Chaim Potok
I’m between persons just now.
I’m a Zwischenmensch.
To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m
between or betwixt; I’m just
swishing that way and this, which
why I mention it.
I’m a between-person, a
Zwischenmensch. I don’t know if
I belong there or here, if I’m part
that culture or this, hot or cool
not so much of any school. Still, I
have to mention it.
To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m
being between or between a being,
even if I’ve been between;
Zwischenmensch gets you like
It leaves you kind of
flat, as if that was your natural
state, which is why I mention it.
Not to be or to be: like
Hamlet I don’t really have a
Dazwischen und wischen, I’m wishing
I could be fishing in a place no
knows; trailing, like the line, my
toes in the water, a fine
occupation for
one of my kind, a Fischermensch
fishes, swishing this way and that.
I have to mention it.
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