Saturday, October 01, 2022

6th Batch of Quordle Poems

   An explanation of Quordle poems is here.

Update: all my Quordle Poems, along with some hundreds of others, can now be found the Daily Quordle Poem website.

27.7.22 (Both these appeared that day as a kind of 'reverse approach)

The meal was of immense VALUE,
but one look at the DEBIT
card made me feel LOUSY.
My wife, in her generous way, called me an inGRATE!

GRATE my bones and gnash my teeth,
DEBIT my flesh and graze my skin.
LOUSY with pain and an occasional flea, I
VALUE my life still, ‘spite a sword wound from kin.           


FRANK, me old mate, the blacksmith working at the
FORGE, isn’t much of an artisan; truth to tell he’s a bit of a
PLANK, but boy, can he make a beast of a bonny


REVUE begins; instant garbage
SLUSH from the comedian’s mouth
REPELs this audience member. I
YIELD my ticket and go home. 


CHOCK full of the mind-searing joys of
OPIUM, I raise up what’s left of my brain and
CYNICally ravage the savage
HORDE of naysayers. 


BROWN-minded from despair, and all those
WOKE-Nigglers who say how much they care; O-
VARY the tune a little, Wokes, let me play happily just for once in a
FIELD where privilege and offence aren’t niggling at the rest of us folks!  


CLOUD meanders over the sunshot field; good
REHAB for a man of my years and modest wisdom;
WHINE away – yes, I do – along with the bee and
THORN bird, impaled as he or I might be, in the heart. 

This was accompanied the following painting by Leopold Graf Von Kalckreuth:

5th Batch of Quordle Poems

  An explanation of Quordle poems is here.

Update: all my Quordle Poems, along with some hundreds of others, can now be found the Daily Quordle Poem website.


GOING back home to my weak and wonky
HOVEL where the windows are weak-minded, and the door
HINGE, the one at the bottom and not at the top, has a
QUIRK that makes a rough and whinging scuff along the floor.  


FUDGE; now I’ve heard everything. My brain
BEGINs to ignite, over-idle, rev up and 


ASHEN burns on ancient brown ash-
TRAYS. Nicotine stains on fingers.
BUGLE warning, hide the stash! Something’s
AMISS! It’s that smoky reek than lingers!

(Thanks, Rupert Brooke, for the last three words - they appear in his poem The Great Lover)

TRAYS was actually the wrong word; I'd picked it up somehow instead of TRAIT. 


NINJA receives the Sceptic’s
AWARD for proving that the
OZONE layer isn’t
UITE as holey as once proclaimed. 


CHUTE the messenger? Don’t.
SIEVE the messenger? Do.
ADAPT the messenger and take him into your family? You’d be
DITTY not to. 

[Courtesy of a poet still struggling with the intricacies of English pronunciation.]

The correct 'translation' - which also appeared as a tweet - was:

SHOOT the messenger? Don’t.
SAVE the messenger? Do.
ADOPT the messenger and take him into your family? You’d be
DOTTY not to. 

I love the way you can play around with Quordle poems, and no one complains!